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Thursday, September 1, 2011

Old School Super Mario Brothers Music and Lainie's First Day of 4K

My three-year old grandson Ian has started to play Super Mario Brothers on Uncle Michael's DS and loves it. Of course, since I used to play old school Super Mario Brothers with the kids when they were little, I can conquer worlds and he turns to me a lot to help him out "download castles".

The other day he asked me to help him get through the castle at the end of World 2. Now anyone familiar with these games knows that there are different types of music for different scenarios. So the "castle" music is playing and I hit a block and then jumped to get the "flower power" and suddenly I hear Ian singing, "Yooouu've go-ot more fi-re pow-er...Yoooouu've go-ot more fi-re pow-er" the music.

I thought this was so cute because it reminded me of when the kids were little and we would sing "Your not going to get it" to the music that played during some of the various parts of the game.

Meanwhile Lainie has been spending the last week getting ready for and excited about going to her new school, 4K. When her mommy dropped her off this morning, she had her hair in braids and her first day of school outfit on,which she insisted on wearing ... so I reminded her to be very careful during breakfast and lunch...which she actually ate without too much coaxing!

Since she went to pre-school last year, it seemed like today (first day of school), was no big deal to her. She spent the morning playing with Ian...pretend time (making up stories),playing dress-up with Auntie Hollie's clothes that I was pricing for the garage sale, and then playing with playdough. A very busy morning! After lunch she brushed her teeth and was off to school with Papa with no big to do! I heard from Rianna (who works at the school and got to hear about her day from the teacher and aid)) that Lainie had a good day and actually asked one of the aids to read her one of her favorite books, "The Monster at the End of the Book" Lainie and Ian are growing up too fast!

Meanwhile Gabe and Lucy are slowly acclimating themselves to being around each during the day after their month spent not seeing each other as much. They do a lot of yelling "Hey!" ...followed by "Hey!" to each other when they are not fighting over who gets to sit on my lap. Gabe has taken to trying to hit Lucy and Lucy has not been fighting back...until this afternoon. Gabe was sitting on my lap and did not like it when Lucy tried to sit down and I moved him over to make room for her. He yelled and reached for her and she yelled, "Hey!" and reached around him and grabbed his ear. He started to scream and and she would not let go...I had to pry her little hand off from his ear. After I talked to them both about playing nice, they both got up and Lucy waved her hand at Gabe and said, "Hi" and Gabe handed her a mega builing block. Hopefully they get to be good friends like their older siblings are.....:)

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